Overview All employees paid through the ABX Air
payroll system are covered by the company's Workers’ Compensation program. The
intent of the Workers’ Compensation program is to provide compensation to an
employee who is off work due to a work-related injury or illness.
Core Requirements
 | Within Ohio, ABX Air self-insures its Workers’ Compensation obligations.
This means the company pays compensation and benefits directly to the injured
or ill employee and to his or her healthcare providers. ABX Air follows
guidelines established by the State of Ohio and is monitored by the Industrial
Commission and Bureau of Workers’ Compensation. |
 | Outside of Ohio, ABX Air contracts with various state agencies and
insurance companies to provide Workers’ Compensation coverage per applicable
state regulations. |
Absences resulting from Workers’ Compensation claims will not count as an
attendance occurrence unless the company is disputing the claim. Workers'
Compensation cases that go to hearing will not have the occurrences reversed,
regardless of the outcome of the hearing, due to the length of hearing process.
 | Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC): Each State has a division that
administers and regulates guidelines for injured workers and employers. This
is usually the Division of Labor. |
 | Industrial Commission: In Ohio the Industrial Commission is the
organization that hears and decides contested Workers’ Compensation claims and
issues by judicial procedure. |
 | Qualified Health Plan (QHP): In Ohio a Qualified Health Plan is an
individual employer’s unique healthcare network that can provide all the
necessary medical care and services to injured workers. |
Employee Responsibility
 | Report the incident to a member of management and help complete an
accident report before the start of your next shift, unless you are physically
unable. |
 | Obtain and review the paperwork packet that is attached to the accident
report. This packet contains important guidelines to follow when filing a
Workers’ Compensation claim. |
 | If you require medical attention or missed work due to your injury,
contact Human Resources within 24 hours. |
 | If medical attention is required: |
Within the State of Ohio: Seek treatment from a provider in the
Qualified Health Plan. (Found on the web at
MyABX.com/workers_compensation), or call Human Resources for the names
of QHP Physicians.
Outside of Ohio: See the Workers’ Compensation provider list posted
on the Communications Centers at your location or contact Human Resources
for assistance.
 | Have your physician complete an employee work status report and provide it
to the Human Resources Department. |
 | Contact Human Resources immediately after your medical treatment for
further instructions. |
Leadership Responsibility
 | Upon notification of an on-the-job injury, assist the employee with
completion of an accident report. |
 | Provide the attached paperwork packet to the injured employee. |
 | If one whole work shift is missed, submit a Leave of Absence Request Form. |
 | Contact Human Resources for questions concerning attendance, leave of
absence, and pay issues. |

Revision History:
Oct. 4, 2010
Oct. 10, 2008 |