Overview |
Steps the Company is Taking | Employee
Responsibilities |
Symptoms | Prevention |
International Travel |
Pandemic Response |
ATSG has created a Coronavirus Information web page ( to share information about the COVID-19 disease and the recommendations and policies the company has put in place to protect our people.
ABX Air and its sister companies in ATSG have been deemed by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security as part of the country's critical infrastructure industry. As such, employees' work travel--including to and from work--is exempt from government-issued stay-at-home orders and curfews. Authorization letters are provided via links below.
In addition, ABX Air is publishing letters and bulletins to keep employees informed about COVID-19. Click the links below to view the bulletins.

Steps the
Company is Taking
Employee Responsibilities
If you have a fever you should stay home until 24 hours after the fever is gone to avoid infecting co-workers. Seek medical care if needed.
If you get sick at work, you should go home except to seek medical care. Be sure to notify your supervisor (using the telephone or email) that you are going home sick. Avoid personal contact with your supervisor and co-workers.
Practice clean hand hygiene by frequently washing your hands with soap and water or alcohol based
hand sanitizers.
Cover your cough or
sneezes. Clean surfaces contaminated by coughs and sneezes.
Periodically clean surfaces
that have frequent contact with hands, such as counter tops, telephones,
and computer key boards particularly if there is more than one user.
Be prepared to work
additional hours or days if you are not sick in the event of widespread
absences due to illness among your coworkers.
Make preparations for
alternate child-care arrangements in the event schools are closed or you
are needed to work additional hours.
Reported illnesses have ranged from mild symptoms to severe illness and death for confirmed coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases.
The following symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure:
Call your medical provider if you:
Develop symptoms, and have been in close contact with a person known to have COVID-19, or
Have recently traveled from an area with widespread or ongoing community spread of COVID-19.
Visit the CDC's web site for more information about prevention of illness.
Personal Hygiene
Take action to protect your own health and that of those around you. Practice
the eight good health habits below.
Stay home if you are sick with any flu-like illness for example, fever
or chills AND cough or shortness of breath.
Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for 20 seconds or use an
alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.
Download a fact sheet on
Avoid touching your nose, mouth and eyes.
Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue, or cough and sneeze into
your upper sleeve. Dispose of tissues in no-touch trash receptacles.
Wash your hands or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer after coughing, sneezing,
or blowing your nose.
Keep frequently touched common surfaces clean. For example, telephones, computer
equipment, etc.
Try not to use other workers phones, desks, offices, or other work tools and
equipment. If necessary, clean them first with a
Maintain a healthy lifestyle; attention to rest, diet, exercise, and
relaxation helps maintain physical and emotional health.
International Travel
International travel may present unique challenges for employees. Some international destinations may not have adequate medical resources available or present language barriers.
The Company has contracted with Geo Blue to provide aid to international travelers.
Services include:
- Worldwide access to English speaking physicians trained in western evidence-based medicine.
- Information about the current health situation at many international locations.
- Safety and Security updates for many international locations.
- Convenient access to updated information at You can sign up to receive updates sent to your email account or mobile device.
International travelers may also consider carrying a Flu Kit consisting of the following items:
- Thermometer
- Acetaminophen (Tylenol) for fever reduction
- Imodium for diarrhea
- Alcohol-based hand sanitizer
- Clorox wipes or similar
- N-95 masks
The Flu Kit is not mandatory and is at the voluntary discretion of the employee. You may wish to consult with your physician about overseas travel.
Since both COVID-19 and influenza spreads from person-to-person contact; whenever possible you should avoid crowds. According to the CDC, maintaining a distance of six (6) feet or greater from other people, especially those with symptoms, significantly reduces the likelihood of transmission of the of COVID-19 or influenza.
Response Policy
The health and safety of Our
People is our first priority.
The U.S. Federal Government
has designated the Transportation Industry and the Postal and Shipping
Industry as two of 18 Critical Industries/Key Resources vital to the
public safety and prosperity of the United States. Every reasonable effort
should be made to prevent the interruption of transportation services and
Postal and Shipping services.
Our customers rely upon us
for transportation of their products and goods. These products and goods
may include critical supplies needed for the response to a pandemic. Every
reasonable effort should be made to prevent the interruption of our
ABX Air-specific resource:
Read the full policy
online or
download a PDF version