ABX Visitor Policy          

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ABX Visitor Policy


To provide a safe work environment and to provide access to the ABX facility, only authorized visitors may enter property owned and/or operated by ABX Air.

Core Requirements

bulletABX will comply with all objectives of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the Transportation Security Administration and/or the FAA.
bulletVisitor access may vary according to the threat advisory level issued by the Department of Homeland Security.
bulletAll non-operational visitors and non-

business tours will be suspended during orange or red threat advisory levels.

bulletAll non-ABX employees must report to a security post for screening before access will be granted.
bulletAll visitors must have a proper picture ID that will be left with Security for the duration of the visit. An authorized visitor must escort minors without a proper ID.
bulletA visitor badge must be displayed, at or above the waist, at all times while on ABX-owned or operated property.
bulletAll visitors without an approved ABX contractor/vendor identification badge must be escorted at all times when Homeland Security has issued a threat advisory of orange or red.
bulletFor safety and work disruption reasons, all visitors to work-related areas must be pre-approved by a manager or above, from the affected areas.
bulletABX employees may escort family members in the Administration Building when meeting Human Resources representatives.

Employee Responsibility

bulletMake sure that visitors are aware of the core requirements of this policy ahead of their visit.
bulletAssure that non-business visitors to work areas are pre-approved by a manager or above from the affected areas.

Leadership Responsibility

bulletApprove only those business visitors who have a legitimate business reason for being on ABX-owned or operated property.
bulletMake sure that visitors are aware of the core requirements of this policy ahead of their visit.
bulletAssess the safety and work disruption impact before approving non-business visitors in work areas.

Copyright © 2005.  ABX Air, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Revised: December 17, 2012.

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