Overtime Policy         

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Overtime Policy


Occasionally it is necessary to ask or require our people to work beyond their normal schedules. Overtime pay is paid on a daily and weekly basis.

Core Requirements

bulletWork day: A 24-hour period beginning at the start time of an employee’s regular shift.
bulletWork week: A period starting with the first work day after the employee’s normally scheduled days off, and ending seven days later.
bulletThis policy applies to hourly and non-exempt, non-bargaining unit employees.

Employee Responsibility

bulletRecord time accurately.
bulletObtain necessary permission before working overtime.

Leadership Responsibility

bulletEnsure that employees are paid for all hours worked, even if they result in overtime that was not approved in advance.
bulletCorrectly code hours in ATS.

Overtime Calculation

Daily overtime for employees who are regularly scheduled to work eight hours per day or less: Time and one half for all hours in excess of eight in any one work day and 40 hours in the week. Hours worked in excess of eight in one day will be paid as overtime, regardless of the hours worked in the week if the extra hours were worked at the company’s request.

Daily overtime for employees who are regularly scheduled to work more than eight hours per day: All employees will receive time and one half for hours in excess of 12 in one work day and 40 in a work week. Hours worked in excess of an employee’s regular schedule in one day will be paid as overtime, regardless of the hours worked in the week if the extra hours were worked at the company’s request.

Overtime for persons holding two ABX positions: Overtime will be calculated separately for each position, not the combination of the two.

Weekly Overtime: Time and one half for all hours worked in excess of forty on any one work week.

For the purpose of overtime computation, paid sick time, paid holidays, and paid vacation time will be counted as time worked. These types of paid time can be applied only toward absences on an employee’s regularly scheduled workdays. They cannot be applied to days when the employee normally is scheduled off in order to inflate their value.

Seventh Day Pay: Double time should be paid for the seventh consecutive day worked in one work week. For the purpose of seventh day computation, only actual days worked will apply. Vacation, holiday, and sick time will not be counted as days worked.

Schedule Changes & Overtime: Schedule changes should be reported to employees as early as possible. Every effort should be made to provide at least eight hours of rest time between shifts.

bulletIf employees return to work at their regular schedules after less than an eight-hour rest period, they will be paid time and one half for all hours worked. If they clock out before the end of their regular shift due to fatigue, they will be paid the remainder of the shift at straight time.
bulletIf providing an employee with an eight-hour rest break between shifts means the employee would report to work more than half way through his or her normal shift, the employee will be paid at straight time for the normal schedule for the day, and will not be required to report to work.
bulletIf the eight-hour break does not extend more than half way through the employee’s regular shift, the employee will be required to work the remainder of the shift, and will be paid for the full shift at straight time.

Premium Pay & Overtime: Shift differential is not included in overtime when calculating time and one half, double time, etc. License premiums, lead premium, haz mat, inspector, CFR, etc., are included.

Breaks During Overtime: During overtime periods, employees are entitled to a ten-minute break for each two hours worked. Some states may have different requirements for breaks and meals. Managers must be aware of and comply with those state laws.

Travel & Overtime: Travel to training schools or seminars will be off the clock. Travel to outbased locations for work assignments is on the clock. All hours in excess of the employee’s regularly scheduled workday are at time and one half. When on-duty time exceeds 24 hours, the applicable overtime rate applies to the entire shift. Rest time outbased is off the clock.

Overtime computations start over at the beginning of each new work week.


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