ID Badge Policy          

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ID Badge Policy


To ensure the safety of all employees, an ABX-issued Identification Badge must be displayed while on property owned or operated by ABX.

Core Requirements

bulletABX will comply with all regulations issued by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and/or the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).

Employee Responsibility

bulletAll employees must have a valid ABX ID badge when reporting to work.
bulletReport a lost, stolen, or misplaced ID badge to your supervisor immediately.
bulletBadges must be displayed on the outside of clothing at or above the waist at all times while on ABX-owned or operated property.
bulletEach employee should challenge anyone who is not properly badged. A supervisor should be contacted immediately.

Leadership Responsibility

bulletEnsure that all employees are properly badged and relay proper instructions for replacement. Under no circumstances should an employee be granted base access without a valid ABX ID or temporary badge.


bulletProximity Access Card: Issued by Human Resources and grants access through the turnstiles at ILN.
bulletABX ID: Identification card with picture issued by Human Resources for identification and time-keeping purposes. This will be attached to the front of the Proximity Card for Wilmington (ILN) employees and attached to the front of a blank card for those not located at ILN.
bulletABX ID with a yellow stripe: Grants frequent access to the top side of an aircraft.
bulletABX ID with a green background: Indicates holders of this ID badge should not be on the ramp at any time.
bulletABX ID with a blue stripe: Designates second job or volunteer. Used for time-keeping purposes only.
bulletABX ID with blue jumpseat designation: Allows authorized ABX employees to ride jumpseat on ABX aircraft for business purposes only.
bulletABX ID with a brown stripe: Designates a contractor or temporary employee.
bulletABX ID with assorted colors and designations in the bottom right hand corner of badge. May designate RSC (Ramp Security Coordinator), Auditor (Ramp Auditor), and/or Professional Loadmaster.

Badge Replacement Procedures

Any employee who either loses or misplaces/forgets their ABX access badge must report to the Administration

guard post to gain entry to the base. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS.

If the badge has been misplaced/forgotten and not actually lost, the guard will give the employee a date stamped (1) one-day temporary access pass to use for entry for that shift only. The employee then brings his or her misplaced/forgotten badge in for their next shift and a replacement badge will not be made. If employees are unable to find their misplaced/forgotten badges by their next shift, they must follow the lost badge procedure below and another one-day temporary badge will be issued for each of these employees.

If the badge actually has been lost, the guard at the Administration guard post will give the employee a date-stamped one-day temporary pass to use for entry for that shift. The employee then would report to the Administration guard post before his or her next scheduled shift and a replacement badge will be waiting.

Temporary access passes will not be issued for more than two consecutive days/nights unless it is the weekend or a holiday.

A $5 replacement fee will be charged for any lost badge.


Copyright © 2005.  ABX Air, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Revised: December 17, 2012.

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