Emergency Operations Policy
Dec. 17, 2009 - Printable version



One of the key differences between ABX Air and other companies is the "can do" attitude of ABX employees. When we are faced with severe weather, natural disasters (flood, tornadoes, earthquake) or other emergency situations, ABX management will evaluate the impact on the operation and implement emergency operations plans that will enable ABX to operate as safely and efficiently as possible.

Core Requirements

bulletABX Air will maintain operations whenever possible to meet our customers’ service commitments.
bulletDuring inclement weather, all employees are expected to make reasonable efforts to be at work on time, if it is safe to do so and the company has not announced closure.
bulletOccurrences of absence or tardiness will be determined in light of the circumstance along with the employee’s overall record.
Employee Responsibility
bulletGreat customer service is everyone’s responsibility. Make that extra effort to be at work when the weather is bad or other undesirable conditions occur.
bulletCheck the weather forecast early enough so that if poor weather is forecast, you can adjust your schedule and leave home early to allow for longer travel time.
bulletCall the ABX Newsline: (937) 382-5591, press #, then dial 66397 (6NEWS).
bulletNotify your supervisor as soon as possible when you are unable to report to work or will report to work late due to emergency conditions.
bulletBe aware of any additional emergency operations guidelines regarding your department, such as if you are considered a service-essential employee.

ABX News
and Weather Hotline

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press #
then dial


Leadership Responsibility
bulletBe familiar with the Emergency Operation Plans outlined in this policy.
bulletCommunicate to employees any additional departmental guidelines your department has for operating during inclement weather or other emergency operations. Tell them if they are service-essential staff.
bulletWhen an emergency plan has been initiated, immediately communicate the details to your employees.
bulletMaintain current contact lists of all your employees to facilitate direct communication if necessary.
bulletFollow pay and lost-time parameters for any ABX-declared emergency or closure.

Emergency Operation Plans

There are two Emergency Operation Plans under which the company will typically operate:

  1. Delayed Operations, and
  2. Closure of Operations

Delayed Operations

When Delayed Operations are in effect, all employees are expected to make every effort to be at work on time, but a late arrival up to 2 hours will not count as an occurrence. Arrival more than 2 hours late will be considered a tardy occurrence. Absences are counted as occurrences. For pay purposes only, lost time can be covered with earned paid time (vacation or floaters).

The guidelines for late arrivals and absences are intended to apply for conditions at the work site. For employees who travel through other counties to report to work during inclement weather, supervisors should exercise good judgment in applying attendance guidelines. Supervisors should consult with managers if they have questions or need further guidance in determining which attendance guidelines to apply.

Closure of Operations

If a severe weather emergency or a civil or natural disaster prevents continuation of normal or delayed operations, the President, CEO, or a Vice President may declare the closure of one or more locations. The duration of the closure may be a few hours or longer, depending on the nature of the emergency and the company’s ability to operate.

Non-essential employees are not required to come to work during closures. Those currently at work may be allowed to leave early and receive compensation for time worked or three hours, whichever is greater. Earned vacation or floaters may be used to cover lost time.

In the event of a closure, certain "service-essential" employees are asked to report to work as usual, and will receive a weather incentive day in addition to their regular pay. Each department establishes its own list of service-essential employees who are vital to continuing operations under emergency conditions. Employees should check with their supervisors to determine if they are considered service-essential.

Communication of Delayed Operations or Closure

Regardless of announcements made by outside agencies, employees should presume ABX Air is operating on a normal schedule, unless an emergency plan has been declared. Delayed Operations or Closure of Operations will be communicated in the following ways:

bulletICOMs to management.
bulletRegular updates on the ABX Newsline (937) 382-5591, press #, then dial 66397 (6NEWS).
bulletAffected station personnel will be notified via pager as established by department operations management.

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Revision History:
Dec. 17, 2009
Oct. 26, 2005