Corporate Travel Policy
Revised Oct. 4, 2010 - Printable version


This policy governs ABX Air business-related travel. All business travel (air, lodging, and surface) must be arranged based on company and departmental policy.

Core Requirements

Typically, travel arrangements will be made through your department’s administrative personnel, using ABX Air’s preferred travel agency, Global Crew Logistics/Corporate Travel Consultants II (GCL/CTC2) interfaces. The travel agency (and its online booking tool) prioritizes booking options, follows corporate policy, and searches for the best price within the given parameters. ABX Air strongly discourages travel arrangements that do not follow this policy. Report all exceptions to policies and procedures to your supervisor.

Employee Responsibility

bulletEmployees are not authorized to make business travel arrangements with airlines, directly or through third parties (e.g. Expedia, Travelocity, etc). Before committing to any travel arrangements, you must obtain documented approval from your supervisor (or above). Approval may be via email or written on a proposed itinerary.
bulletEmployees must have their company identification card with them at all times while traveling on business. They should dress in casual business attire or a crew member’s uniform.
bulletAll travel must be charged to an ABX Air corporate credit card or your personal credit card, within ABX Air expense reporting/reimbursement policies. You must retain all original, itemized receipts and itinerary documents, and submit them with your expense reports or credit card statement.
bulletEmployees are encouraged to plan well in advance for international travel; booking travel 30 days in advance can result in cost savings of as much as 50 percent. Travelers are responsible for monitoring their passport expiration dates and knowing the visa requirements for their destination.

Leadership Responsibility

bulletThe Standard Operation Procedures governing Corporate Travel, found on the Management Resources web site on ABXnet, should be used in booking all travel arrangements.
bulletBooking travel in advance is generally accepted as the best method for controlling costs and impact of travel. Management is encouraged to discuss and approve any required travel for employees as soon as possible to allow maximum time for subsequent booking of travel. Approval of travel must be in writing.
bulletVice-President level approval is required for the attendance of more than one employee at a conference or other industry event.

horizontal rule

Revision History:
Oct. 4, 2010
May 13, 2009