Attendance Policy         

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Attendance Policy

General Policy Statement

Each employee is important to the success of the Company and the customers we service. Our relationship is one of interdependence. We depend on each other to get the work done. Therefore, it is important that employees report to work each day as scheduled.

This policy applies to part-time and full-time employees. Individual departments determine attendance standards for casual and temporary employees.

Underlying Principles

Regular and consistent attendance is necessary to provide on-time, efficient service to our customers.

Overall attendance records are also important when considering individuals for promotions, transfers, overall performance, or rehire.

From time to time an employee may encounter personal problems that prevent prompt and consistent attendance. Exceptions to this policy will be made on a case-by-case basis.

Employee Role & Responsibility

bulletMake every effort to report to work on time as scheduled.
bulletRequest time off as far in advance as possible.
bulletNotify supervisor/designated person prior to start time or call in time if going to be absent or late.
bulletInform management of necessary work to be completed while absent if appropriate.
bulletProvide factual reasons for absences (e.g., sick, car problems, death in family, home repair emergencies) and provide documentation if requested by supervision.

Management Role & Responsibility

bulletMake all employees aware of the policy.
bulletInform employees of any designated call in time or procedures for the department.
bulletProvide positive recognition to employees with good/improving attendance records.
bulletMonitor employee’s reasons for occurrences and develop a corrective action plan with the employee as concerns arise.
bulletObtain all facts before taking corrective counseling action.
bulletDiscuss special circumstances with Employee Relations if considering an exception to the policy.
bulletMaintain accurate attendance records for employees.

Late Arrivals & Early Departures

Employees are required to be at their workstation ready to work at the designated start time. Unplanned late arrivals/early departures will count as tardy occurrences as follows:

bulletFull-time employee =time away from work of less than 2 hours.
bulletPart-time employee =time away from work of less than 45 minutes.

If an employee reports to work late, the employee is paid only for actual time worked. Late arrivals/early departures for non-exempt and hourly employees will be paid if they are using authorized sick leave.


An absence occurrence is defined as:

bulletFull-time employee =time away from work of 2 or more hours.
bulletPart-time employee =time away from work of 45 minutes or more.

Consecutive days of absence attributable to a single illness will be considered one occurrence. Non-consecutive occurrences for the same medical reason may be combined if the subsequent absence is within five (5) calendar days of the last day of the original absence.

Approved FML, Bereavement Leave, Military Leave, Jury Duty and Certified Workers Compensation Leave are not counted as occurrences for the purpose of this policy.

Earned sick leave is insurance and intended to provide employees with income protection while they are unable to work due to their own illnesses, doctor’s appointments, or to care for employee’s spouse or dependent children who are ill. To receive pay for the unplanned absence, the employee must call in by the scheduled start time or call in time.

Corrective Action

When excessive absenteeism or tardiness occurs, the following corrective action will be applied within any 12-month rolling period:

bulletSeven occurrences = Written Warning
bulletEight occurrences = Final Written Warning (unpaid)
bulletNine occurrences = Discharge

Anytime an employee reaches 7 occurrences for absences within a 12- month period, sick accruals will stop. Sick accruals will start again on the next full pay period in which occurrences are at 6 or less.

Corrective Action is effective for 12 months from the date of the occurrence that initiated the action. An employee cannot repeat a Written Warning or Final Written Warning within a 12-month rolling period.

Employees who have absences that appear to follow a pattern of abuse may be counseled and/or disciplined for "Negligent Performance". If the pattern continues, the employee may be subject to further discipline regardless of the number of occurrences the employee may have.

Job Abandonment

Two consecutive workdays of not reporting absences to supervision is job abandonment and will result in loss of employment with ABX.

The above policy guidelines should be followed unless there are documented exceptional circumstances.


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